Sunday, December 9, 2007

Semester wrap-up!!!!

I really enjoyed the video race and the end of semester party. Everyone had some awesome projects. I had no idea what I was going to do for the video race, although I had been wanting to do this star crunch video with featuring that hit 80's song "Waiting for a star to fall". I always thought that song was super cheesy......although it would be perfect for a star crunch video. I decided to use the camera on my mac along with a couple of still shots using my digital still camera. I think I went a little overboard with the star crunches, painting with them, playing guitar...etc. But it worked. It took me about a day to complete the video, although I was rather upset when I found out that my sound did not print to tape. I guess it worked as a silent piece as well though...not quite as effective. I enjoyed everyone's projects. This class was the by far the craziest class I have taken at UNCW. Kudos!!